Vickie Petz, M.D.
Do you ever wake up and think, “WAIT! This is not my life?”
Me too.
In an instant, you know life will never be the same. Though your whole world turned upside down, you can live right side up.
As a physician I counseled women struggling with every imaginable fear and insecurity. Then one day, my life was interrupted. When I landed on the other side of the sheets, I tested my own advice.
Now, instead of prescriptions, I write words.
No appointment needed.
Give yourself the gift of forgiveness
Betrayal is a wound inflicted by others. Unforgiveness is self-inflicted. As a surgeon, Dr. Vickie Petz Henderson made thousands of incisions. She can testify that even excruciatingly painful wounds heal when properly cared for. Stop rehearsing the wrongs and give yourself the gift of forgiveness. The process can be painful, and dreading it is understandable. Avoiding it, however, is deadly. Are you ready to dress your wounds?
Dressing the Wound
The three of us sat at a table for two. I didn’t see him at first, although I could see indentions on her shoulders where she carried him for years. He didn’t know he was there, yet he always was. He had taken much from her. He may or may not have cared about the genuine pain he inflicted, but after he stopped, she volunteered to give him more. He gained nothing, but she lost her freedom.
Her chin drifted toward her chest as if her neck could no longer bear the weight. Concealer applied to dark circles under her eyes failed to hide the evidence of the space he occupied in her mind every night. My brow furrowed as I wondered why she continued to let him live there. Looking closely, I expected to see a shackle binding them together everywhere she went.
She would not forgive. Bitterness flourished and took root in her soul, slowly consuming her from the inside out.
Have you seen her? Maybe she looked at you in the mirror this morning.
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Dr. Vickie delivered the keynote address for the 2017 National Conference of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America—and there was general agreement that she was the best keynote that we had ever had. As she told her remarkable story, the audience was mesmerized: laughing at her humor one moment, and weeping at the next as they could relate deeply to what she had lost, and how she found her path to move her life forward. I highly recommend her as a motivational speaker for any group.
– Nancy Law, Chief Executive, Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America.
Vickie is an amazing speaker with a deep seeded passion for Christ, and a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness through tremendous trials of multiple kinds. She’s a survivor, and exudes contagious, captivating energy. Need inspiration? Look no further! The refreshing, down to earth transparency that Vickie relates her real life stories to the gospel through is sure to uplift, encourage and refresh your heart!