About Vickie Petz, M.D.

national Speaker/Author

Vickie Petz, M.D.


Vickie Petz, M.D. delivered over 5,000 babies at all hours of the day and night. Twenty years as an obstetrician/gynecologist gives her unique insight into a woman’s soul.

Previously able to pedal her bicycle 100 miles, suddenly, she was unable to walk more than 100 feet. She put down her scalpel and picked up a microphone and a pen so she could continue prescribing the cure for an upside down life.

A year of stillness forced her to rest from trying to control the universe. Her intermission showed her how to completely trust God with the script. 

Now she likes living on the edge, literally on a bluff overlooking the Arkansas River. Vickie is addicted to adventure and she loves company on the ride.

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Take a break from your worn-out life


– My Right Side Up Life

More about Vickie

The interrupted life

 You’ve got sacred scars to mark the moment. Those inner fears and feelings you’re afraid to talk about because you think you’re the only one won’t be silent.

You’re not alone; I promise. After listening to countless women who’ve walked through the hardest places, I’d love for you to sit down and stay awhile. I’m glad you’re here.

We can get to know each other better on my FaceBook page.  Come join the conversation, invite your friends and share any encouragement you receive.

Intermission Summit

This free monthly video series on biblical interruption is exclusively available by email. Don’t miss it!

Life can change in an instant

One wheelchair ride took me from surgeon in the operating room to patient in the emergency room. In a moment, I lost what every woman wants, and gained what every woman needs.

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