My Right Side Up Life
Episode 275: Suffering Is Never for Nothing by Elisabeth Elliot
Suffering Is Never for NothingbyElisabeth Elliot Elisabeth Elliot knows suffering. Her first husband was killed in the jungle by savages. Then her second husband died of cancer. In later years, she suffered from terrible dementia. She couldn't even speak, but her eyes...
Episode 274: The Comeback by Louie Giglio
The ComebackbyLouie Giglio We all face trials in life. Sometimes our own choices get us into trouble, and sometimes life just blindsides us and derails us from the path we're on. Life doesn't turn out the way we planned, and God seems so far away. The fog thickens,...
When God is hard to find
Seeking God when He is hard to find No need to panic; I knew he was in the house somewhere. Methodically searching under beds, behind the sofa and in every closet I stopped only to listen for movement that might give a clue where he was hiding. The first twenty...
The ultimate wound and promised victory
Dressing the Wound: Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
2020 Word
Word of the year 2020 Several years ago, I chose a word for the year rather than a New Year's resolution. Some years, the words come easy and others are void. Anyway, the practice is always meaningful, even if I don’t follow through with all my commitments. Things are...
Avoiding disappointment at Christmas
Avoiding disappointment at Christmas The fear of disappointing someone sends us back into the crowds swiping our credit cards, again. Another trip to Hobby Lobby for one more half price decoration promises to fill the gap on the mantle. Seems like we are one more trip...