My Right Side Up Life
Fear of the unknown
She didn't bristle when the long needle injected the medicine under her skin, however she spent the entire remainder of the trip trying to escape. Whenever I take my dog to the vet, I attach her to her leash. That's easy, and it's all good. But cats?? What am I...
Episode 256: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman The five love languages, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, hold the secret to lasting love. Dr. Chapman has observed, through 35 years of pastoral and marital counseling, that everyone expresses and understands love in different...
How do I look?
She laid it on the table like a challenge. Though I knew her through an online writing group, I never got a sense she wrote much and she seemed to be floundering with her purpose. While on the West coast for meetings and a speaking engagement, I made arrangements to...
Episode 255: Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith
Sacred Rest by Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D. Do you pride yourself in busyness? Do you push yourself to the limit? Sadly, our society practically demands it. Resting is undervalued and even considered lazy or wasted time. Time—we need more of it, don't we?...
A sneak peek
Many of you know I've been writing a book for years. I'm serious about finishing it now and I've been revisiting the events that shaped my story. In some ways, I feel like I've held back my story from you. You know, saving it for the book. Then a post I wrote for "My...
Episode 254: Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges "The whole idea of sin has virtually disappeared from our culture," writes author Jerry Bridges. "Unfortunately, the idea of sin is all but disappearing from many churches as well." Messages from the pulpit are watered...