My Right Side Up Life
Life doesn’t always turn out the way we want
Life doesn't always turn out the way we want, does it? Me, I’m packing up what’s left of it and moving on. There are people and things that aren't going with me. The people get to choose, the papers just didn't make the cut. Paper cut On the top shelf of my linen...
When Life Falls Apart – Part 2
What is God's will in our suffering? Click here to listen to this episode! When Life Falls Apart by Warren W. Wiersbe Part 2 Trials test the genuineness of our faith in God. Will we turn away from God in our suffering, or will we draw near to Him?...
Celebrating my birthday around the world
There are some birthdays I'll never forgot. Last year, I got called off the lake and made a flying trip to the hospital because we weren't sure my dad would make it. But he did and last month we rode the train at Silver Dollar City. On my 48th birthday I rode my...
When Life Falls Apart
How can a good God allow so much suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? Where is God when life falls apart? This hard and honest look at the life of Job helps answer these age-old questions and more. When Life Falls Apart by Warren W....
Finding purpose in pain
The Lord is gentle and precise, but that doesn’t mean life won’t hurt. Pain is an inevitable part of living in this busted up world, but don’t waste it. Peace comes from finding purpose in pain. As your wounds heal, allow God to redeem your pain. “Come, let us return...
The truth really does set you free
The truth really does set you free Make sure you know the truth, then make sure you believe it. Once you believe it, say it. Say it long enough until you’ll feel it, but you’ll never feel it first. Well, maybe you will, but emotions aren’t reliable and they...