My Right Side Up Life

The Heart of the Author: Recovering From Losses in Life

Loss is part of life and cannot be avoided. Listen in as your co-hosts Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb discuss how change occurs through loss and growth makes us mature and strengthens our faith. Listen to today's episode, "The Heart of the Author: Recovering from...

The audible voice of God in a text message

The audible voice of God in a text message

A text message from God I wanted needed to hear from God and no I did not want to read my Bible or pray; I longed to hear the audible voice of God. The truth is, I was a little mad at God so I quit speaking to Him. For crying out loud, I did A plus B times six to...

Surviving the stages of grief

Surviving the stages of grief

You can’t cry your eyes out. Believe me I tried, but despite the tears I’ve shed my eyeballs are secure in their sockets. The current of the river of grief is powerful enough to sweep me off my feet and drag me along the bottom until my lungs scream for air. Without a...

The Heart of the Author: Choose Joy

The Heart of the Author: Choose Joy

Joy and sorrow are parallel tracks in our lives, but joy isn't about our circumstances. When we put our happiness in anything temporary, we will be disappointed. Can you name 10 people who live a joy-filled life? [bctt tweet="Joy is a choice and it's harder for some...

Can you hear God speak?

Can you hear God speak?

Can you hear God speak? Do you ever wonder, can you hear God speak? Does He seem distant and silent while you’re drowning in desperation and despair? Can you hear God speak? Let me share a miracle with you, or maybe you have enough faith to believe in extraordinary...