My Right Side Up Life
The Heart of the Author: The Gospel Story Bible
As children we learned all the Bible stories, but did you know.... They all point to Christ. Teach your children, see for yourself. The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski A great tool for children, and adults, to learn the Old and New Testament truths that show...
The year of listening
Who wants to erase last year's script? Whew, I don't know about you, but I'm glad 2017 is in the past. It was the worst year of my life. Goodness, I've loved until it hurt, laughed and cried and now it's time for me to live a new life. Maybe third time is charm....
The Heart of the Author: Praying the Names of God
Are you struggling to find God? Do you feel like your prayers bounce off the ceiling? Meditating on the names of God helps us focus on the truth. Focusing on the names of God is focusing on God. The beauty of experiencing different situations and different trials is...
Spending Christmas alone
To those spending Christmas alone In the season of glad tidings and great joy, it can feel like there's too much room in the inn. Pictures of grandmas and grandpas, moms and dads, kids and grand kids surrounded by feast-laden tables and ornament-laden trees mock the...
The Heart of the Author: Christmas Edition
Have you paused and thought about the meaning of Christmas this year? The Heart of the Author A book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word The true Christmas story is found in the greatest book After 400 years...
The Heart of the Author: Come Let Us Adore Him
THE HEART OF THE AUTHOR The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. Listen in as Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb share sweet Christmas memories and review: COME LET US ADORE HIM an advent devotional by...