My Right Side Up Life
The Heart of the Author: Glimpses of Grace
The Heart of the Author: Glimpses of Grace GLIMPSES OF GRACE: Treasuring the gospel in your home by Gloria Furman The Heart of the Author: Glimpses of Grace, shows us a new perspective on the gospel. Any of us who have struggled know it teaches us God's grace....
The Heart of the Author Podcast: The Art of Words
THE HEART OF THE AUTHOR PODCAST: The Art of Words with Valerie Weiners The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. Listen to Valerie Weiners with Vickie Petz Henderson as she shares her incredible...
The Heart of the Author Podcast: Moving Mountains
THE HEART OF THE AUTHOR PODCAST The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. Co-hosts Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb answer the question, "Have you read any good books lately?" MOVING MOUNTAINS Praying...
I need a little time
Feeling overcommitted and overwhelmed, I need a little time. Big decisions loom in my future and various projects need attention. Also, I need a little time time to process the changes in my life. Periodically, I actually admit I need a break. Undone After our...
The Heart of the Author: Adorned
The Heart of the Author Podcast Today on the Heart of the Author Podcast Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb discuss ADORNED: Living out the Beauty of the Gospel Together by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Woglemuth "A woman under God, a woman under control, a woman under...
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Mirrors aren’t kind, but would you ever go out of the house without checking your appearance? Memories Whenever my grandmother got tickled, her giggle progressed up the scale until the sound muted and leaked right out of her eyes....