My Right Side Up Life

The Heart of the Author: Uninvited

The Heart of the Author: Uninvited

The Heart of the Author: Uninvited A book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. Join Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb discussing: Uninvited by Lysa TerKheurst For anyone who ever feels left out, less than...

That mistake you thought ruined everything 

That mistake you thought ruined everything 

You know that mistake. That mistake you thought ruined everything. What if it all turned out for the best? Rerun The scene in my office played like a rerun every week. Different pregnant teenager, chewing her cuticles, staring at the floor; different mom, ramrod...

The Heart of the Author: Ready

The Heart of the Author: Ready

The Heart of the Author The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. Your host Vickie Petz Henderson introduces Heather Dixon author of READY: Finding the Courage to Face the Unknown How much ground do we...

Take shelter because you can’t stop the wind

Take shelter because you can’t stop the wind

  It’s been an unusually violent season; oh yeah, hurricane season too. Are you enduring the storms of life? Take shelter because you can't stop the wind. Palm trees stooped at the waist and swept the ground with their fronds. Non-stop water cascaded from the...

The Heart of the Author: Twelve Ordinary Men

The Heart of the Author: Twelve Ordinary Men

  THE HEART OF THE AUTHOR The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. A look at the ordinary and extraordinary lives of the 12 disciples. Can you relate to one of them? God still chooses ordinary people...