My Right Side Up Life
Don’t miss the trip to the end of the road, pack your things and let's go. I don't want you to miss the trip to the end of the road. Today, we are visiting a friend of mine. I know this is a little different, but I met Kim Jones three years ago at the She Speaks writer's conference. She is adorable,...
Human behavior is like a virus, it's contagious Let's sneak away. You know I love to travel and it's even more fun when you come along with me. Be warned, human behavior is contagious so you might catch my enthusiasm. Today we are visiting Sarah Frazer, but first I...
Authenticity matters, but so does holiness matters, but so does holiness. I want to be authentic and I want to lock arms with your experiences, but even in world where we celebrate transparency, God continually calls us to holiness. I can be so transparent, I'm clear, but you don't always need to...
How to survive the storms of life to survive the storms of life Of course I knew the storm was coming, goodness, my phone alerted me five times with emails from the Weather Channel. Yes, I knew the forecast, but those few scanty clouds and plenty of sunshine lulled me into denial. Friday was my...
Like most of life, the game wasn’t fair. When the music stopped and the familiar voice came through the speaker, the regulars gathered in the center of Bud’s Roller Rink for the limbo. With nicknames like shrimp and shortstuff you can imagine, I had a distinct...
A father’s legacy This is for my dad, my kid’s dad, my future grandchildren's dads and your dad. No I’m not an expert on fatherhood, but I’ve listened to the heart of enough women to know how much a daddy means to his daughter (or son) and I can tell you; dads matter....