My Right Side Up Life
Why I quit going to church and what they did about it
Why I quit going to church and what they did about it For nearly a year, I quit going to church. Go ahead, raise your eyebrows, I’ve seen that look before. My friend who sits across from me every Tuesday morning over coffee is a...
My house looks like McDonald's. No, I don't have arches and I'm not making french fries or apple pies. Part of my house is in total disarray, yet I didn't even notice until I was Skyping a podcast interview and glanced past my own reflection to the wall -kinda yellow...
Don’t. Do. It. You are all going to die. My neck and shoulders ached from cringing over scorched bodies laying at awkward angles like a pile of broken sticks. I rarely go to the movies and even rarer do I watch an R-rated movie, but I made an exception to see "Hacksaw...
Surviving life when it’s going down the toilet life when it's going down the toilet Back in 1980 something I witnessed a truck roll like a log down a hill and land on its side. The driver stood in one window while his head stuck out of the other. He assured everyone he wasn't hurt and we might have...
Do you ever wonder if you'll get to the end of your hardship? Disappointed, I thought I missed it. Turns out, I was just in time. The building was not completed on the expected date. Neither is my journey, or yours, but I know God is at work, even when I don't see Him...
When your Christian walk is more of a limp
When your Christian walk is more of a limp I hope you don't think I'm running like the wind and leaping over life's obstacles in a single bound. When your Christian walk is more of a limp, you may think someone else's walk is easy or successful, you are wrong. We're...