My Right Side Up Life
I cannot do all things Neither can you. A mantra for Christian athletes, a popular plaque on the wall or the perfect verse for a tattoo, I can do all things. No, I do not have a tattoo, but can I do all things? No, I cannot do all things. Philippians 4:13, "I can do...
Please welcome my guest, Kimberly Dewberry. I invited her to share her story so I could spend a little time working on another project. Adult children of alcoholics need recovery too. You will want to visit her website for more of, "This is My Story" Kimberly Dewberry...
When you want your prayers answered now you want your prayers answered now Do you ever feel like Veruca Salt? Sure patience is a virtue, but I imagine we can all relate to the spoiled brat who shouted at Willy Wonka, I want it and I want it now! As I look down the road of my present circumstance, it...
JOY HUNT Finding joy when all is lost My life was ransacked. The thief snuck in and stole nearly everything I held dear. I thought the locks were dead bolted, but open closet doors were clear evidence of the break-in and plundering. All the drawers were emptied and my...
To love is to die Three words can change your life My dad hated to lose. Okay, so I come by it honestly. He thought we were cheating, but I promise we weren’t, really. Granules slid through the neck of the hourglass as I sketched a lopsided shape. My sister yelled,...
Celebrating Valentine’s Day when there’s a hole in your heart
Celebrating Valentine's Day when there's a hole in your heart Last year the red and pink hearts were blurred by tears as I stood in the aisle looking for a suitable card. Problem is, I wasn’t living a Hallmark life. Finally, I settled on one that didn’t tell a...