My Right Side Up Life
The Girlfriend's Box of Questions The pink and brown striped box held promise. Actually, it held questions and we* used the conversation starters as writing prompts. I pulled one from the middle and quickly discarded it. Encouraged to take one from the top, I drew,...
When the ending isn’t what you expected thought I could believe without wavering, but I crumbled. Nothing really turned out the way I expected. I’m not a "name it and claim it" Christian, but geez, I thought if I trusted God then at least the basic fabric of my life was salvageable. Where is God when your...
Til my broken soul gets well Angled like a tree branch, both bones in my five year old's arm were grotesquely distorted. An x-ray wasn't necessary to diagnose the fracture and her daddy said, “This ortho stuff; it ain’t hard.” Tears dried on her cheeks and her lip...
Fear Fighting: Beating the Beast of Worry. I'd like to introduce you to a fierce fear fighter. Welcome Kelly Balarie to My Right Side Up Life I woke up in the middle of the night, my mind tossing and turning worse than my body had been ten minutes ago. Everything hit...
What if your worst fears come true? if your worst fears come true? "What are you afraid of?" The question punched a hole in my heart. Emotions spewed out with every beat until I nearly exsanguinated. Me? Afraid? I thought I was fearless and brave. My chin juts out in defiance of fear. What am I...
Going Back There Today’s guest post is taken from Jill McSheehy’s new Bible Study, Journey through Acts. “They think they got it all,” my dad told me after my mom’s surgery. With a one-month-old baby girl and a four-year-old boy, I felt huge relief that my mom’s...