My Right Side Up Life
The most treasured Christmas decoration most treasured Christmas decoration came with a price Once upon a time there were three little bears. No, I’m not telling the wrong Christmas story and every detail of this is 100% true. Three little bears are my most treasured Christmas decoration. Sitting 1 ½...
Do you need a prescription for anxiety? Part 6 anxiety in Christians Anx-i-et-y. Is it a sin, a medical disorder or a character flaw? How should Christians treat anxiety? All I know is anxiety is an unwelcome tormentor of epic and epidemic proportions and believers are not immune. If you are a Christian,...
Do you need a prescription for anxiety? Part 5 YOU NEED A NEW PERSPECTIVE Maybe you need a prescription for anxiety, maybe you need a new perspective. Me too. Fretting. There's no other word for my obsessive thoughts. Asking myself questions like what I am going to do, where is my life going and how does it...
Do You Need A Prescription for anxiety? Part 4 breakthrough in controlling anxiety came one night. All day long I control my feelings, then I lie down and my thoughts swirl around the edges of my mind. I stopped thinking obsessively and locked my worries away.
Do you need a prescription for anxiety? Part 3 crowds out peace Circumstances, real and imagined, disconnect us from the Prince of Peace. Jesus deserves our attention, reverence and whole-hearted adoration. We need to return to worship. Ever notice we often skip what we need most? I quit going to church....
Do you need a prescription for anxiety? Part 2 you been acquainted with anxiety for years? We were recently introduced and I wish we had never met. I'm learning that if you don't control anxiety, anxiety will control you. THE FIRST KEY TO OVERCOMING ANXIETY IS TO MAKE A CHOICE [bctt tweet="Control #anxiety...