My Right Side Up Life
Where is God when I need Him?
A shadow grows above my left shoulder and I can’t breathe. Well I can, but it sounds more like controlled gasping. This is the steepest slope I’ve ever climbed. Not on my road bike, in my life. And I'm suffocating. Where is God when I need Him? Though I haven’t been...
I clicked on the camera and the same message blocked the screen, "unable to take photo, not enough storage." After all that work, I only freed up a few megabytes Ugh, my storage is always full. I need a bigger plan. Moving on to text messages, I scrolled and scrolled...
How to ruin a friendship, it is your choice whether or not to read this. I found the perfect book to recommend to a friend who is struggling. I'm a pusher Absorbing the wisdom tucked between the pages of the book, an image of her face came to the forefront of my mind. Certain these...
Do you want a full life or a fulfilled life? ALMOST FULL MANAGE IN SETTINGS Ugh, my storage is always full. I need a bigger plan. Maximizing an hour of down time, I sat in the vacant seat facing the tarmac. My mission - DELETE DELETE DELETE Pictures monopolized most of my storage, so I started in...
What if it isn’t really rejection? nearly ran the woman over with my car before I saw her. My right hand shifted into reverse while my left hand pressed my cell phone against my ear. Glancing at the clock, I knew I was already late to my next appointment. If only I had a third hand to roll down the...
This problem parked itself in the middle of my life and refused to budge. Callouses covered my knees, pages of my Bible hung by slivers and my supply of index cards was bigger than Staples. My stomach rumbled from fasting and recording prayers drained ink from my pen....