For some, this is the first Christmas. The first Christmas after you buried part of your heart.

Maybe there’s been a literal death or maybe an emotional one. Either way, the first Christmas is hard. Be gentle with others and be gentle with yourself. Hearts are fragile – handle with care.


Recently a friend brought her newborn for a visit. My 2 year old grandson wanted to hold him. Over and over I said, “Easy, be real easy.” Let’s treat each other that way too. When someone seems short-tempered, be easy. Their heart may be extra fragile.

Prepare your heart for Christmas. Be gentle.

The fruit of the Spirit is….

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness …

The first

I think my favorite name for Jesus is Immanuel because it means God with us. Even when you’re alone, God is with you. Even when you’re heart is broken, God is with you. He’s there in the joy and the sorrow and pain. He is IMMANUEL!

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 (ESV)

“And with his blood mankind hath bought” from the lyrics “The First Noel”

The First Noel celebrates the coming of Christ. Will you continue the celebration because God took on newborn baby flesh to be with us?

Embrace gentleness today. And while you’re at it, give someone a hug. It’s a healing thing for fragile hearts.

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