Joy and sorrow are parallel tracks in our lives, but joy isn’t about our circumstances. When we put our happiness in anything temporary, we will be disappointed. Can you name 10 people who live a joy-filled life?

Joy is a choice and it's harder for some than others #ChooseJoy #TheHeartoftheAuthor #podcast Click To Tweet


by Kay Warren

JOY is….

“The settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.”

Joy is:


Confidence IN God

Determined by the choice to PRAISE God.

Joy only comes from the Lord whereas happiness bounces around like a pinball depending on our circumstances. There is no joy apart from Christ. Even in times of sorrow we can find true joy. When life is going great it’s easy to feel happy, but what happens when the bottom falls out?  That’s when the world is watching to see if we really believe what we say we believe. If being a Christian doesn’t make a difference in our lives, our faith is dead. Surrendering to suffering helps us find joy in sorrow.

The key is fixing your eyes on what matters for eternity. Instead of wearing pain as your identity, wear joy. Joy is available if you choose it.

Take your thoughts captive because what you think determines how you feel and how you feel determines how you act. Let your thirst drive you to the true source of satisfaction because joy begins with truth. Don’t fall for the joy killers like rule following and worry. Worry ends when you realize it’s ok, even when it’s not ok.

Isaiah 45:3, “I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches from secret places…”

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