My Right Side Up Life

The Weapons of our Warfare: The Heart of the Author

The Weapons of our Warfare: The Heart of the Author

"There is a battle going on over the souls of men." Though we are no match for our enemy, Satan is no match for Christ. That battle is not between flesh and blood and spiritual warfare makes the difference between victory and defeat. Listen in as Vickie Petz Henderson...

The power of forgiveness

The power of forgiveness

The power of forgiveness Deep under the covers, I rang in the New Year with my head fast asleep on my pillow by 8:30 p.m. Not exactly the life of the party. Six months after being diagnosed with a debilitating neuromuscular...

The Turquoise Table: The Heart of the Author

The Turquoise Table: The Heart of the Author

The Turquoise Table: The Heart of the Author Co-hosts Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb enjoy their open door policy and the ministry of presence. Listen in to their discussion of THE TURQUOISE TABLE: Finding Community and Connection in Your Own Front Yard by...

What to do for a broken heart

The more I tried to hold it together, the more my life fell apart. Cherished idols were stripped away and my heart fractured in two. For three years, I refused healing. I didn't know what to do for a broken heart, then I realized Jesus was asking me the same question...

Onward: The Heart of the Author

Onward: The Heart of the Author

Onward: The Heart of the Author with Vickie Petz Henderson and Jasa Babb. The book club for busy readers and non-readers to find tidbits of truth to lead them closer to the Word. ONWARD: Engaging the Culture Without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore "Keep...

Too busy to pray and too busy not to

Too busy to pray and too busy not to

It was like that moment your shoe sticks to the pavement because you’ve stepped in gum, or something worse. Realization visibly spread across my face when I verbally stepped onto the edge of danger. Now what? I tried to back out of the conversation, but instead came...