That mistake you thought ruined everything 

That mistake you thought ruined everything 

You know that mistake. That mistake you thought ruined everything. What if it all turned out for the best? Rerun The scene in my office played like a rerun every week. Different pregnant teenager, chewing her cuticles, staring at the floor; different mom, ramrod...
Don’t waste your days

Don’t waste your days

Don’t waste your days. Wasted days add up to wasted lives. You know there is a certain age when you start to realize most of your life is over. It’s hard to wrap my mind around because I get up every morning and keep living. No matter what. My grandfather always sat...

When you’re living in the crashing waves

I was sixteen years old before I saw the ocean. Okay, really it was the Gulf of Mexico, but it looks the same – soft, beige sand, distant horizon arcing over infinite waters. Even as teenager I was awestruck. Without planning, I ran as hard as I could into the water....
I quit reading my Bible

I quit reading my Bible

Low Battery I quit reading my Bible and it was a lot like not brushing my teeth for a week. The low battery indicator light flashed on the screen. Maybe my son was right, I spent too much time on my phone but, oh never mind, he was definitely right. Abandoning my...