Wasted time
Countless hours spent exposing the depths of my soul in paragraphs and chapters, and then I didn’t want you to read it. For six years, I strung together words and constructed outlines to finish an entire book. It’s a Christian memoir told through a lens of medical drama. Who doesn’t love medical dramas? Now I wonder if anyone cares about my personal journey and 50,000 words wrenched up out of challenges, victories and defeats. Like the steep tracks of every emotions, it’s a roller coaster ride.
Who cares?
During this time-frame of writing, my once-treasured framed family photos were moved to the attic closet. Doubting the reality of a key relationship for the bulk of my life, I turned them toward the wall where they took up space in my house and my mind. Finally, I moved on and gave them away. Sometimes, you need to move on.
Wasted effort
Instead of throwing my book in the trash, I packed it up and sent it to a developmental editor. At this point, it’s obvious I need help. I still don’t know if an agent will accept it or if anyone wants to read it, but I’ve spent six years and I don’t want the effort wasted.
What about you? Surely there are relationships, projects and careers you’ve invested your life in that now seem to be crumbling. Listen, there’s a way to keep from wasting your effort. Avoid these six ways to waste your life.
When the end result isn’t what you thought, don’t doubt that your efforts were wasted. Investments often take years to pay off. Sometimes, you never reach your goal and that’s ok too; it’s the trajectory that matters. The journey teaches us, so don’t leave the lessons unlearned. Experience the refining power of those hours and minutes and allow them to shape your character. Offer your effort to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome. Faith is the opposite of doubt, so place your faith in the One who knows the end of your story, even if you never see it.
“They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it.” Hebrews 11:13b (NLT)
On the other side of your failure, don’t look back and regret the moments of purpose. Even when the ending isn’t what you wanted, remember God redeems all things. The events that seem to explode and destroy are the broken pieces God uses to shape us into what He designed. Trust Him with the process of molding and shaping, even when it hurts.
“How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, ‘He didn’t make me’? Does a jar ever say, ‘The potter who made me is stupid”? Isaiah 29:16 (NLT)
Look Back
Children in a crowd tend to look up, back and around. Not watching where they are going, they bump into people and stumble along. When my kids were little, I intentionally taught them to look ahead. Don’t look backward and focus on failure, you aren’t going that direction. Whatever pain and disappointment distracts you will only hurt you more if you keep your eyes on it. Watch where you are going, not where you’ve been.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18 (NIV)
Wrong Motive
When I tell you I’ve worked on my book for six years, I don’t mean I’ve been writing it for six years. Of course, I’ve spent more time than I can count at my keyboard, but also tremendous effort doing all the things necessary to get published. It’s exhausting and that shouldn’t be my motive. Do what you are called to do for the glory of the Lord and leave the results to Him. Work diligently, but not for recognition or self promotion. When you do your whatever for God’s glory, then nothing at all is wasted.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
Fight for control
Give up. You heard me right, give up trying to control the outcome. Don’t give up your dreams and never, ever give up on God and His timing, but give up your ideas of what is best. Trust the Lord’s plans for your life, take up your cross and follow Him. The place of complete peace is the place of complete surrender.
God always gives his best to those who leave the choice with him
Jim Elliot
Defined by failure
I don’t know where you are in your journey. You may be walking faithfully along a hard, rocky path or maybe you took a wrong turn. It’s never too late to stop and allow the Lord to refresh your soul. He alone can direct your steps and His word provides direction. If you’ve lost your way, failed or been disappointed then wrap yourself in the truth of scripture.
Failure won’t define you when you offer your efforts to the Lord.
“By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.” Psalm 119:105 (MSG)
Don’t fail
Six ways to waste your life:
I’ll keep going; I pray you will too. Having you on this journey with me makes it all worthwhile. The truth is, we need each other. Thanks for hanging in there with me. If you aren’t connected to my newsletter, you can sign up. That’s where I get a bit more personal. CLICK HERE
Love this. I too found release in letting go and trusting God. When I choose to look back with thoughtfulness, not regret, I see that HE had me on the path HE chose even when I didn’t follow Him! He always steered me back to where I belong.
It’s kind of a relief to know I dont have to make all the decisions! Let Go and Let God!