There is no need to fear; instead, we should be standing on the promises. Actually, I was standing on a church pew, but we’ll get to that.
A friend came over and we socially distanced outside on the patio. The wind gusted, then suddenly it got eerily still. As the siren wailed, the dog barked and geese honked. At least a tornado in Arkansas feels akin to normal. Nothing else does.
Tornado warning
We know this drill, so we went to the basement and socially distanced ourselves from each other and the windows, which added up to a very safe twenty feet. After the warning was over we went back upstairs only to get a second alarm. By now we had “regular spots” to sit in the basement, so she kicked back in a broken recliner and I sat on a church pew from our old sanctuary.
Reason to stand
While I sat on my red velvet seat, we talked about the craziness of the pandemic and working from home without make up. My, my how the world changed without warning. Finally, when the Weather Channel app gave the all clear, we headed back upstairs. Just before I put my foot on the first step, I noticed something caught in one of those sticky traps my pest control service insist I keep to prevent mice. It was NOT a mouse. Curled back on itself over and over was a long, thin black snake. In. My. Basement.
Now if you know me at all, you know of my life long fear of snakes. Trust me, I’m a lot better than I used to be, but did I mention it was IN my basement? My boot clad nephew jumped into action, while I jumped up on the pew. You might have thought that was going to be a spiritual thing. Well, it’s not. I suppose I could misquote some scripture about serpents, crushed heads and bruised heels, but let me assure you, no woman took care of that snake.
Apparently, it slithered in and got it’s head stuck up against the side, then wiggled around into a tangle. At least that’s what I’m told, I surely didn’t look from my perch on the pew. Oh, I think I forgot to tell you, it was still alive!
Anyway, he stomped it and disposed of it outside and we went back upstairs shaking our heads. The moral of the story is, danger is everywhere.
Now listen, there is no need to panic, but boy are there a lot of reasons to. We are living in an unprecedented crisis and it’s just beginning. There is literally danger everywhere: rotating winds, reptiles and microscopic viral particles. Wash your hands, keep six feet away, use your brain, but for goodness sake, get a grip and don’t panic.
I probably should mention it was a garden snake, but that’s irrelevant.
Firm grip
Write this verse somewhere so you’ll see it every day – an index card or your bathroom mirror. For crying out loud write it on your hand and make it your profile picture.
“Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” Isaiah 41:10 (MSG)
That verse right there carried me through a disabling disease, the loss of my voice and a devastating divorce. Truth will carry us through these times too. Not sure it helps much with snakes in the basement, but that’s what pews are for since we can’t go to church for a while.
Keep the faith, find some humor and let God hold you steady. Love you friends.
Be sure and write the verse in Sharpie pen so it doesn’t come off while you’re doing all that hand washing. Seriously.
Vickie, I needed this blog. I had done fairly well for the first couple of weeks and just tried to follow all the rules, washing my hands, socially distancing myself, being very cautious to not go into stores with large numbers of people in them, but the longer this thing goes on, the tougher it gets to remain calm – – to not panic. I am still working at the office every day, but the few of us who are not working from home, pretty much just come to work, stay in our own offices and then we go home. It is so strange and I don’t like it, but I am staying vigilant and trying to keep the faith and not panic.
God bless you and keep you. God is certainly good all the time and we know He is in control and that we can always trust Him for whatever happens.
And it’s getting harder and harder my friend, but you’re right, God is still in control