Is there a place you struggle to find hope? Lost hope is cold and so lonely it smells like defeat. It’s a dark place where tendrils of hopelessness shackle your ankles to the basement floor.That place sounds familiar to me from not so long ago, but thankfully I’m not there anymore and I pray you aren’t either. When I was a kid, I often dreamed of running, then stumbling and falling, never making any forward progress, then my dreams nightmares came true. The struggle is real, perhaps a little too real, and life is hard, perhaps a little too hard.

Struggling to find hope

How do you get out of the dark dungeon where hope is absent? Can’t I just push a button and emerge into the sunshine? Like an elevator opening in the basement, I want a ride straight to the penthouse with fresh air and a spacious view. Good grief, I’d settle for an ejection button that slings me from my circumstances into the sky where my parachute opens so I float gracefully back to earth. Then again, I need real hope.

“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.” Hebrews 6:19 NLT

The gift of hope

For my birthday, someone gave me that button. Okay… my birthday was five months ago, and they roll around fast these days, so it was a belated gift. Eight weeks after the cake settled into my thighs, I got a message from a friend:

“I have a birthday gift for you.”

He and his wife delivered a small gift sack containing a handmade leather journal wrapped in tissue paper. Not only is it exquisite and perfect for me, but he also personalized it by adding a smooth wooden button attached by black leather straps; a button he made with his own hands.

“Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and announce His works with shouts of joy.” Psalm 107:22 HCSB

Journal back to hope

There are stacks of journals in my office; some completely full, others blank. Their pages are filled with hope, naive prayers, desperate problems, and heartbreak. Unimaginable pain from an unimaginable end is recorded only for my eyes and the Lord’s.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

Feeling the smoothness of the blood-red leather, my mind searched for a special purpose for the special gift. Meandering around in my despair, it came to me. This is my gratitude journal. Everyday, I start with thankfulness, for ordinary things and extraordinary things. Whenever I wind those straps around that button, I remember God’s faithfulness. And I remember hope. It was there all along.

“I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11 NKJV

My hope is built on nothing less

When you remember God, you remember hope, because acknowledging His faithfulness changes your outlook. What are you thankful for? When you have trouble answering that question, beware. Ungratefulness and discontent lead to a place of poor choices, despair and more hopelessness.

starting your day with gratitude changes your attitude #Findhope Click To Tweet

Give thanks, in all things, give thanks

Will you cultivate a habit of gratefulness to start your day? Take the 21 day challenge, even if you don’t have a button, you will be blessed.  Start today with one thing, and start today.

Thank you Lord for ….