The lie of “getting over it”

There are things you never get over. Oh, you move on and embrace the good in life, but something is never the same. Time doesn’t always heal so don’t believe the lie of getting over it.
I could share my story and tell you that God redeemed every aspect and now it’s all wonderful. At that point, I hope you’d narrow your eyes and say, “Really?” Or maybe roll them and say, “Good for you.”
The myth of “Happily ever after”
Healing takes space and time and I’m starting think it’s never complete this side of heaven. The pain is gone, the day-to-day feels normal, but there’s a change in the way I look at the world. A little less optimistic because everything doesn’t always end happily ever after. Likely, you already knew that, but maybe you needed to hear someone say it out loud.
“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” John 16:35 (MSG)
Stretched faith
Fractured bones and fractured relationships may heal, but not always. Cancer isn’t always curable and choices have consequences – some written in permanent ink. Trials stretch and grow our faith, but learning a new level of trust comes with some stumbling. At least it does for me.
The main thing to remember is this – trust God, not yourself; not others, only God.
“Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they?” Isaiah 2:22 (NLT)
Fractured faith
When the news is good, we say, “God answers prayer!” Except when He doesn’t. Then what? Please don’t answer that for me. I understand the sovereignty of God and thankfully I’ve known that solid for a long time. My faith is built on it or it would have crumbled. As it stands, it’s only fractured. Healing will come, but it takes time and space and a whole lotta grace.
“And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10 (ESV)
"Get over it" is a lie, but God's faithfulness is truth Click To TweetSolid faith
When we look back, we see God’s faithfulness; when we look up, we see His holiness; when we look down, we see His mercy; when we look in, we see His love. You stand on solid ground only when you keep your eyes on the God who never fails though the whole world quakes.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)
You don’t have to get over it to experience perfect peace. And that’s no lie.
I agree however, humans are led to betrayal by the work of Satan so are.deserving of our trust and faith to the extent possible. It is always encouraging to hear you talk about your enduring faith in God.
We are indeed led by betrayal. Good to be aware