Something was wrong. With all the strength I could muster in my index finger, I pressed the button again. Nothing. Expecting to the jets to fill my tub with bubbles, I got nothing. That was my first clue something was wrong, but that’s because I ignored the warning signs. I should have paid attention. All of us should pay attention to the red flags. This is for the sinners.
There’s an unlatched wooden door that leads to the space under my Jacuzzi tub. Looking for a switch or something, I opened it. I didn’t find a switch, but I definitely found something. Something that scurried away when the light invaded. Eeek!
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of the light.” Ephesians 5:8 NIV
There were signs, but I brushed them off as harmless. For the last few weeks, my dog was overly interested in that door. She sniffed and on a few occasions she even opened it with her snout. Instead of cluing in to the danger, I chastised the dog. Oh the blame game. Listen up sinners.
“Don’t participate in the things these people do.” Ephesians 5:7 NLT
By the time my jets were non-responsive, the something behind the door had been at work for sometime. Now the scratching and chewing terrorized me. I turned on some music to drown out the sound. But I could no longer ignore the vermin, it was destroying my home.
Little by little Satan attacks our weaknesses to get to our strengths. Then we are destroyed.
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling…
Calling O sinner come home
Walking through Wal Mart with a bag of mouse poison was a bit humiliating, but the alternative was worse. Apparently 0.075% cholicalciferol is toxic. At least that’s the active ingredient in D con and I want the thing dead and gone.
This is for the sinners
It’s not the first time I’ve ignored warning signs.
“Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly.” Ephesians 5:17 MSG
Recently one of our pastors invited us to run down the aisle. Not a bad idea. We move away from God a little at a time, but we move toward Him in drastic acts of repentance. When we run toward Him, He runs out to meet us.
“But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 HCSB
This is for the sinners. This is for me.
1 Timothy 1:15, “This is a faithful saying and worthy of acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.” NKJV
Satan attacks our weaknesses so he can get to our strengths #GuardYourHeart Click To Tweet

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