What did you say?

I’m not asking much. Just a token really, a trifle. You’ll never even miss it. What I want from you is your voice.

My voice?

You got it, Sweetcakes. No more talking, singing, zip.

~Ursula and Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”

Zip pretty much describes it. For nearly a week I’ve been silent. Well, not completely silent, I can clap, whistle and whisper but I have not spoken a single word out loud in 6 days.

Since the surgery went well, my doctor is puzzled. He advised rest, drink plenty of fluids and try not to talk. Seriously, he said try not to talk. Do you know me? Previously the voice specialist told me I talk too fast. Perhaps she doesn’t understand how much I have to say. My dad says I was born talking and haven’t shut up since. So I have the gift of gab, but now what? Obviously, I have a problem.

Matthew 12:36, “I tell you that on the Day of Judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak.” HCSB

Careless words?

I’m in trouble. Goodness, accounting for the careless words I speak in one day could take an eternity. When I think about what I most regret in my past, it’s words, always words. Words intended to poke, jab, slice and tear down.

Imagine a world where every word spoken was kind and encouraging; helpful and beneficial for building others up according to their needs. What if only necessary words were spoken? Well, I think there wouldn’t be nearly so much noise. What did you say today?

Ephesians 4:29b, “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” NLT

Necessary words

Since the doctor told me to “rest my voice” (whatever), I use facial expressions, you know, my own personal set of emojis [insert eyeroll]. When absolutely necessary, I whisper, although the doctor advised against that too [insert exaggerated eyeroll]. I am forced to stop and choose whether my words are absolutely necessary [insert weary face] before I speak whisper. Yeah, I think it eliminated about 90% of my speech [insert shocked face].

Ecclessiates 5:7, “Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God.” NIV

Practicing the pause

I may be on to something here. Stop and think before speaking; choose words carefully and don’t say unnecessary words. Raise your hand if that sounds like a wise plan for all of us. Will you join me in fasting from unnecessary words? [Insert speak-no-evil monkey face]

Hateful words

Bitter words

Complaining words

Arguing words

Griping words

Gossiping words

Criticizing words

Whining words

Bragging words

Sarcastic words

Please pray my voice is restored soon but my negative speech is forever eliminated. Ironically, I am launching a new speaking ministry (check out my Speaker’s page here). Hmmm, a speaker who cannot speak. I figure God wants me dependent on Him for every single, solitary word. In the meantime, I’ll whisper. After all, people listen intently when you speak softly and even God spoke in a gentle whisper.

1 Kings 19: 12b, “there was the sound of a gentle whisper.” NLT (that’s a pretty cool story, you ought to read it all)

Praise Him in the silence

Actions speak louder than words anyway. So I offer God a sacrifice of praise, thankful for a season of listening, pruning and maturing. He is making me who He wants me to be.

2 Corinthians 9:15, “Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words.” NLT

Now, what did you say?

I didn’t say anything this week because I can’t. But somehow I think the message still gets across loud and clear. Thanks for your overwhelming support on my Facebook page.

What you don’t say sometimes speaks loudest #practicethepause Click To Tweet