Nothing. That’s what I saw when I looked out, nothing. No water, no trees no mountains, no sky, just a floating drape of fog. Usually I’m up before daylight, but after an exhausting 3 state month, I slept in. Before I could open my laptop and record my musings, the morning sun peeked through the drape revealing the water. Within a minute, a row of trees seemed to emanate their own light as the fog swirled and hovered above. Blue sky completed the view that now looked like a parfait: water, trees, fog, sky.

I have a new view; a new outlook too. This new beginning was exactly what I needed. None of what I see is lost on me. Every morning I open the door to my patio to let the dog out and let my eyes behold the view. God redeems all things. But this morning I saw nothing.
Spiritual fog
Ever have a season when you get up and open God’s word and hear Him speak and feel His presence? Often It’s followed by a season of silence. There are times I can’t see God, can’t hear Him, can’t feel Him. Nothing. Just a spiritual fog.
But here’s the truth. When I can’t see the water, mountains, trees and sky I have no doubt they are still firmly in their places. Why then do we cave to the spiritual fog? When you can’t feel God, when you can’t see Him or hear Him, you can know for certain, He is still there. Wait for the morning light to burn away the haze and show you His glory. Wait for it!
Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:23 NIV
Sounds good, right? But it’s so easy to forget. That’s why I remind myself. I take a lot of pictures of my view and I share them. I talk about the view and invite others over to see. I delight in the view.
It’s easy to forget God’s faithfulness and presence when the spiritual fog clouds our souls. But He is still there. Remind yourself and delight in Him. Surround yourself with others who know the truth and can assure you He is an immovable rock. Rehearse His presence and tell of His marvelous works.
“I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:24 NIV
Seek the hidden
Seasons of doubt will come, so remember the view when the light shines through. Sometimes He’s there, but hidden. I wonder if He wants us to pursue Him like He pursues us?
Meanwhile, rely on your past. And if you don’t have a past, now is the time to start. Because one day it will be hard to see.