Planting makes me happier than it should
Long before succulents were a thing, my friends teased me that I should plant cacti or plastic flowers. Now, I am the master of my gardens; well at least my 14-inch container gardens. Flower beds overwhelm me with all their weeds and such, but a pot, well, I can manage that and planting flowers makes me happier than it should.
Or maybe not. Maybe planting makes us every bit as happy as it should. Whether it’s home-grown vegetables or flowers, most people think getting their hands in the dirt is therapeutic; I think it’s biblical. After all, God created us in His image. Creation is His passion; heaven, earth, sun, moon, plants and animals. Then He got his hands in the dirt and created man in his own image.
“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 (NIV)
Man became a living being who enjoys watching creation grow, who sees evidence of God in creation, who gets his/her hands dirty for the sheer pleasure of it.
Planting makes us happier than it should, because it reflects the heart of creation and its Creator.
” Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being.” Romans 18:20 (MSG)
Earth is a shadow of what is to come for eternity. Eden will be restored. One day there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. Meanwhile, this one is meant to make us long for that one.
Worship in the garden
Next time you walk by a gerbera daisy and smile, look up. Thank your Heavenly Father for creation and go create your own garden.
Stick a geranium in your hat and be happy! ~ Barbara Johnson
Need gardening help?
My gardening skills are still lacking and since I’m staying home and socially distancing, I’ll confess I haven’t planted anything this year, but several of my “annuals” from last year came back because of the mild winter. If you want to get your hands dirty and don’t know where to start, Jill McSheehy is the go-to for beginners. CLICK HERE if you need a gardening podcast or HERE to learn how to start a vegetable garden. She also has a new book called, “Vegetable Gardening for Beginner’s.” CLICK HERE to check it out on Amazon.
I love gardening. My parents taught me the love of gardening and the love of reading and writing when I was a young girl. Almost 60 years later, I’m still gardening, reading and writing. 🙂
I wish I were better, but I’ve come a long way. My grandparents could grown anything