Lifeguards need to know how to swim

No one hires a dog paddler to rescue others. Before we start throwing out lifelines to others, we need some victory experience. Lifeguards need to know how to swim.

Last year, I spent some time taking swimming lessons with those who know what it’s like to almost drown. I’m stronger now. So, here’s a lifeline, a lifeline of words for that sinking feeling: healing words, kind words. Pass it on if you want.

The effect of kindness

At the beginning of the March 2022, I spent a week with writers. From coast to coast, we arrived at the Red House; our luggage bulging with joy and laughter. But tucked away, there was also pain, shame, anger and insecurity. You see the theme of the week was writing your hard story. You probably know I’ve been writing my hard story for about 8 years, but God has been writing a good story for eternity.

Critique of each other’s writing flowed from hearts of kindness, and it was contagious. It required so much intentionality because we were dealing with tender, fragile places. I wonder in my everyday encounters how much I’m dealing with a heart that is about to shatter and a careless word is like a stone thrown through a plate glass window.

Hurting hearts often forget to be kind. But the effect of kindness is strong and it’s contagious. Kind words are a lifeline for those who feel like they’re drowning.

We all have a hard story, some are excruciating, and others are normal milestones of life, like empty nest and aging. You can’t compare your hard, no matter how minor or major.

I asked you a question

A while back, I asked all my regular readers a question, “If I could write one blog post what would you want it be about?” You answered. One hundred fifteen of you to be exact. But then I realized, I didn’t have answers.

A lifeline of words for that sinking feeling

Want to know why I started writing in the first place? Well, it was pretty therapeutic for me, and when I could barely walk or use my arms, the keyboard filled my time. Writing is a desire of my heart that’s been there since I was a little girl.

When my life started falling apart, scripture was my lifeline. I wanted to share a lifeline of words for that sinking feeling with anyone who happened to read what I wrote. But it’s not my writing that saves, it’s scripture.

“They are not just idle words for you – they are your life.” Deuteronomy 32:47a (NIV)

Would you trade it?

Before I started writing, I was drowning in busyness. Then my life came to a screeching halt.

Someone asked me how I felt about everything I’ve gone through looking back. Pressing my lips together, I wondered if it was worth it. To lose almost everything and gain a solid trust that no matter what happens, God is faithful. I answered, “I would never choose it, but I wouldn’t trade it.” That’s the way hard stories play out, if we let God edit them.

I would never choose my hard story, but I wouldn’t trade it either.

What’s your hard story?

You’ve already shared a lot with me. One person even wrote, “I am at the end of my rope.” And I didn’t even respond. I guess I was treading water and running out of air myself.

Here’s the deal – I can’t save you and neither can my words. Only Jesus walks on water, reaches out and grabs our hand to keep us from going under. My hope is to point you to One who never disappoints.

“Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'” Matthew 14:31 (ESV)

If you’re doubting, sinking, or drowning, remember, Jesus is there, reaching out to save us.

Don’t know where to find him? Look to the Word and keep looking.

“The Word gave life to everything that was created and his life brought light to everyone.” John 1:4 (NLT)

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